


The Jobs First Agenda seeks a better way: to create, collaboratively, a new narrative based on truth; a nonpartisan, grassroots philosophy of action based on fairness that can facilitate the pursuit of a just economic life for all Americans – the elusive “third way” emerging from the wreckage of Marxism and laissez-faire capitalism. Read More»




The Mock Trial Program is a free and effective way to complete your Next Generation Standard and Objective in Social Studies year after year. The program is a two-day project that takes place in the classroom. Students play all scripted roles except that of the judge (played by a local lawyer).

The entire program is available here on the WALS Foundation website, including easy access to the teacher's manual, how-to videos, helpful links, and printable handouts. Read More»



Reuther-Pollack Labor History Symposium

The Reuther-Pollack Labor History Symposium was intiated in 2017. The annual symposium and Labor Heritage Week takes place every years during the first week in September in recognition of the birthday of Wheeling’s well-known union leader Walter Reuther (Sept. 1, 1907), the culmination of the Battle of Blair Mountain (Sept. 2, 1921), and Labor Day. In addition to Reuther, who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and charismatic labor leaders of the 20th century, the symposium also is named in honor of Augustus Pollack, the Wheeling business owner whose progressive policies toward his employees led organized labor to erect a monument in his honor. It is thought to the only monument ever built by labor in honor of a business owner.Read More»



The Reuther–Wheeling Library

& Labor History Archive

The Reuther-Wheeling Library and Labor History Archive was founded as a research and study center on the life, times, and thought of Wheeling’s native son, labor leader and human rights activist, Walter P. Reuther. The library contains numerous titles related to economics, politics, labor history, social justice, human rights, education, and the environment. The library also contains a unique collection of books written by local authors, or about the heritage, history, and culture of the City of Wheeling, the Upper Ohio Valley Region, the State of West Virginia, and the Appalachian Region.Read More»

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